All work (either 1:1 or in group) is under mutual agreement, and with mutual respect. We both have the right to decide at any time, that we are not the right fit for the work at hand, and this is both really important in honouring the therapeutic relationship, but also in what is right for ourselves.
Cancellations & Refunds:
– Any pre-paid class passes can be cancelled prior to 1hr before the class, and will be returned to your Bookwhen account to book another class again.
– For workshop tickets, we need more notice, so you have 6hrs prior to the start of the event to cancel on Bookwhen and the pass will be returned to you
– For massage or therapy treatments, 24hr notice is required for cancellation
– For Private 1:1 sessions, this will be situational as there are many variables, and will be discussed at the outset.
– Any issues of the above, please email ‘’ or via DM to the Instagram page
I understand that life happens and things change, I really do, and there may be exceptional circumstances where we agree an alternative outcome. It is important to note that this is a self-employed project driven by wanting to help others, so there may not always be wiggle room in the budget, and I’m sorry for this. Respecting each others time and value is important.