Aerial Yoga Therapy

Aerial yoga therapy is a highly specialised approach based on the individual needs of the client. While it might have something of a class format, this is entirely flexible and adaptable based around what is needed most on the day.

Sessions are tailored individually and can be designed specifically to support:
– Mental health
– Women’s health
– Injury rehabilitation
– Children or adults with different needs

It can be hard to find what you need in a mixed class space, working therapeutically allows for a much more multi-modality approach to take form. You are listened to at every step, we will have a consultation where we can discuss goals and concerns and you will always get to feedback and shape during the sessions and after.

This also allows us all the space we need to include all sorts of different approaches; meditation, breath work, yoga Nidra, Hypnotherapy, massage, Reiki, meridian therapy or sound healing, held within a trauma-informed and psychotherapy trained space.
Moving practice can include poses for strengthening and mobilising, plus improving flexibility, balance and co-ordination.

Aerial Yoga Therapeutics Facilitator Training 100hr (2025)